Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pizza for Breakfast

So a college kid's life is certainly an odd one. This morning, for example, I had pizza for breakfast. I walked right into the food court at 9:00a.m. and was instantly assaulted by our friendly asian lady who works the counter at the Pizza Shak.

"How ah' you today? You want some pizz-ah?"
"I'm fine thanks, how are you?"
"How ah' you today? You want some pizz-ah?"
"Uh... yes. yes I would."
"How ah' you today? You want some pizz-ah?"
"Pepperoni please."
"How ah' you today? You..."

And so on... until I took my pizza up to the nice cashier lady, paid for it, and watched the "Chronicles of Riddick Trailer" while I ate my pizza it with a fork. This is basically my schedule once per week, the other days of the week i just skip breakfast... I wonder what my doctor would say about that?

The best part about the whole thing is that i just barely had granola and yogurt for lunch...

1 comment:

  1. This confirms

    Actually, I have no room to talk since I gave my daughter a tuna fish sandwich for breakfast once.
