Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My morning as a UVU student

Seein' as how my spring break is conveniently at odds with my Fiance's  have taken the opportunity to join the crowds at the Utah Valley and raise my voice in singing praises to their mighty badger. 

The drive on Geneva at 3:45 am was great, without a hitch, totally a flawless bit of driving, skills unseen for the past century. Henry Ford would be proud, Jeff Gordon would be jealous. 

At least that's what it would have been like if amy had driven...

Actually, "manual illiterate samm" spent all morning sp- asm-ing the ca-ar  in a  je- erky st-o-op and sta-art mo-tion... untilhefinallygotthehangofitbeforekillingitinthe parking lot.... sigh...

Then I went to Astronomy with amy. All im gonna say is... lazyboys in a dark room. 
Next was the HoneyBran Muffin (Look for starrmannsamm's hit single "Honeybran Muffin" sold in stores everywhere) and chocolate milk while walking the outside mile, in the cold... uphill. all the way... to Biology. These are the stories i can tell my kids when they complain about waiting for the bus in -23 degree weather.

Biology was squeaky. My fine amsyface found it hilarious to seat me in the squeakiest chair known to mankind, (and all cellular microbes) The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but the squeaky chair has not seen any grease for a while. During the instructor's presentation, i squeaked at the most akward points accompanied by a chorus of amy giggles. 

Now im dropping amy off at work... im gonna miss her. 

And i get to drive her car home... jo-oy. 


  1. I hear ya on the manual! Shouldn't they have stopped making those like 15 years ago?

  2. Your "manually illiterate Samm" paragraph is golden. lol

  3. The white knuckles upon arriving home were the best part!!
