Monday, March 16, 2009

Little Red Wagon

"When considering titles for each post, you must carefully consider exactly what you are trying to portray to the reader. The title should be catchy and clever, easy to read, and valuable in understanding exactly what the post is saying to the world. For example, "Pests" is an excellent way to open a paragraph about small singing hairy vermin, or "First Post" is an accurate description of the first post on your blog." Proper Blogging Content pg 342

This post is mostly worthless, im just bored. Done with school for the day, waiting for my roommates to be ready to go get food from the Walmarts, and i figure that if i just start writing a post, something has got to come to my brain about what to write.


Well that was a huge waste of your time. sorry!

Off to walmarts!


  1. I'm keeping notes on all of these excerpts from Proper Blogging Content. I can't afford a copy myself and so I'm doing my best to glean from your knowledge. Keep it coming!

  2. Thanks! I'll be sure to let you borrow it when i am done, but i warn you, It's thicker than webster's unabridged dictionary, and far more controversial than DaVinci Code...

  3. Too bad you never owned a little red wagon...bad mummy!!

  4. Yes i did, I had a Radio Flyer! Or at least a cheap imitation. It used to be red, before it became rusty and the bottom fell out. I still remember taking it around the corner at the bottom of the street at 65 mph and getting dumped onto the road.

  5. Oh yeah, I remember mum getting OLD?? I do believe it was a hand-me-down...wonder who handed it down?
