Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chem Mystery

Page 507 of Proper Blogging content reads, "It can be clever to use puns in the title of your blog, for example, 'Chem Mystery' instead of Chemistry, or 'Miss Communication' instead of miscommunication. But don't overdo it."

So, if any of the 6 people who know that this blog exists happens to enjoy chemistry, i apologise in advance, especially because i will probably need your help before the final...


I have a personal vendetta against Planck and Avagadro and all those other pseudo scientists who decided to make my college experience a living nightmare by discovering why chemistry works. Frankly I could go through my life very content just knowing that the air is breathable and that the right fuel will send a rocket into space. I have no passion or desire to know that the fumes of chlorine will turn Litmus paper Red. No care! Not one. I could live my life in total ignorance of the existance of litmus paper and be a very happy man.

Just as soon as I discover exactly how I created matter during my last chemistry experiment i will begin to care. Seeing as how that is technically impossible, but until then I will suffer throught this semester of pain and ponder as to why Chem 1210 is even in the course curriculum for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering...

Rats, got to go study for my Chemistry Mid-term. Wish me luck.


  1. Luck. I think that Chem Mystery is s great title. What other puns does that book have? I did wonder on the Miss Communication post who you were going to be writing about and was a little disappointed that it wasn't Amylin.

  2. The post was not directly about Amylin, but it was about me sticking my foot in my mouth while talking to her. Hence the title.

    You win a prize. Here's a sandwich.
